Friday, May 06, 2005

Is your mind keeping you from rehabbing your sprained ankle quickly?

How much of rehab is physical and how much is mental? Does the mental part of rehab hold the physical part of rehab back?

As with anything else you want to accomplish, what you think is true will become reality, but there are some physical limitations.

Let me explain.

The physical body God gave each one of us is capable of far more than we could ever imagine. And in a lot of cases, our belief about what we can do with our body limits what we try.

A great example of a belief limiting performance is shown by the story of the 4 minute mile.

For years and years, scientists were convinced that NOBODY would or could ever break a 4 minute time for running a mile. For forty years or so there was never a time when a man ran a mile in less than 4 just was not possible.

Then one day, Roger Bannister, ran a mile in under 4 minutes. A mile had never been run under 4 minutes before. Once that mental barrier of 4 minutes was broken, 4 other people broke the sub-4 minute mile within a year.

Don't let your mind tell you that your sprained ankle can't be rehabbed in 5-7 days. It certainly can...hundreds of people are doing it every every month.

As I say this...I must (with a deep breath) tell you that if you are expecting to be running and winning the Boston Marathon the day after a level 2 ankle sprain....I have some ocean front property in Nevada that I'd like to make you a great deal on.

If you focus on getting your ankle rehabbed as fast as humanly possible, your body will maximize it's healing powers to get you back to your normal routine faster than it would if you have doubts.

When Roger Bannister was training to break the 4 minute mile, he was using cutting edge training techniques that nobody had every tried before. He wasn't doing the same thing that everybody else was doing or he would have gotten the same results.

If you want to rehab your sprained ankle as fast as humanly possible, you have to be using a rehab program that incorporates the tools and processes that will maximize the effectiveness of your rehab.

You will not get stellar results using the RICE method or using bands. Sure these methods work, but they are not going to give you the quick results you want.

The only sprained ankle rehab program that I'm aware of which even offers the chance to rehab in as little as 7 days is the Accelerated Ankle Rehab Program at my website

The program gives you the exact equipment you need and a step by step program that you can use to rehab your ankle faster than you (or your doctor) ever thought possible.

Don't let your mind limit how fast you can rehab your ankle. Get the tools and the program you need...keep an open mind...and go for it!