Thursday, September 29, 2005

R.I.C.E. does nothing to rehab your sprained ankle

R.I.C.E. Sucks!

R.I.C.E. is the mantra of all doctors. If you visit other websites you will most certainly see RICE discussed everywhere because it is the accepted (and safe) thing for doctors to tell you when you have sprained your ankle.

RICE stands for:

R = Rest - rest your ankle

I = Ice - put ice on your ankle

C= Compression - compress the ankle joint to reduce moblility and prevent possible additional damage

E= Elevate - put your ankle above the level of your heart to reduce swelling.

Well...I just have one thing to say...R.I.C.E. SUCKS!!!

Who in their right mind wants to sit around on their butt for 3 or 4 weeks waiting for their sprained ankle to heal?

If you are at this website, you are a proactive person who wants to get your ankle and your life back to fast as possible...and you NEVER want to have an ankle sprain again!

R.I.C.E. is not active - it is passive - no arguing about it....sit around with ice on your ankle eating bon-bons all day until everything gets better on its own. YEAH RIGHT!!!

In addition to being passive, there is one gigantic flaw with RICE...there is no component of it that includes strengthening the ankle.

Most doctors will just put you on the RICE program and then instruct you to tape your ankles before every practice and game to prevent further injury with the hope that normal activity will help your ankle get stronger and the problem will go away.

What you need to get back to your normal routine as fast as possible is a rehab program that is:

1. Aggressive and effective in its approach to rehabilitation (its safe too)

2. Reduces swelling fast so that rehab can start immediately which reduces the overall time it takes to get back in the game.

3. Provides structured, step by step exercises that will both stretch ligaments and tendons while strenghthening the muscles that support the ankle joint.

4. Has the added benefit of not only strengthening the injured ankle, but helps to improve other aspects of your overall skills - balance, quickness, or some other skill sets.

5. The equipment needed to perform the program is not extremely expensive.

After years of searching, I finally found the program. You can read all about it at the following website:

This program works like nothing else that I've ever tried. It works. Period.

You need to go to that website now, if you're really committed to reducing or or possibly eliminating ankle sprains from your life!


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